Monday, June 18, 2007

Refuses To Go Like A Sheep

Thank-god some sheep just take things into their own hands, or should I say their own hooves.

The first limb of the Eight Limb/Ashtanga Yoga that Patanjali gives us in the Yoga Sutra in “Yama,” the Universal Discipline, or Code of Ethics.
The first Yama is Ahimsa, or Non- Harmfulness. Kind of a no brainier.
Many Yogis therefore are vegetarian. I have been vegetarian since the age of 12, but I can relate to the difficulty of forgoing food that you are custom to eating. I have a problem forging food in general as I have made it a custom to eat, period. In any case, even if you find being vegetarian too hard for you, try and eat organic or kosher meat and dairy produce, there is a better chance that the animals you are consuming have been better treated and the bad karma you are in-taking is smaller (this is not what I was meaning to write about, I have become so serious lately!)

This sheep, ran away from the butcher and roamed the streets of the Bronx, good for her!
This sheep did the same; kind of... Two brave sheep!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the idea of good design to a blog but I can't read it with that odd color combination!
time to bring in pantone.