Monday, June 18, 2007

Good Morning, Jafa

Since my trip to Israel I have been meaning to write about my younger sister נעה/Noa and her army service. And also how much I love her and how goofy she is. And pretty too! She is often described as fey.
Noa started her service as a program producer in the IDF radio station גל"צ/GLZ. One would expect it to be serious and old fashioned, but mostly because it is driven by young hip 18 year old soldiers it is probably the most poplar radio station in Israel. You can listen to the station and even watch the broadcasting online.
During my last visit home, Noa took me on a tour of the station; it was very “Good Morning, Vietnam.”
Since then, Noa has decided that doing one of the most desired jobs in the army is not good enough; she requested to be transferred to Officer Training. Those ambitious desires are not from my side of the family.
Here are some photos from my parents’ visit to her army base with her boyfriend נדב/Nadav. I am filled with pride as I see them. She has really great taste in men. That is from my side of my family, for sure!