Friday, January 19, 2007

It’s just like riding a camel PART II

Two other things that are more like riding a camel then a bicycle are driving a shift car and skiing. I always drove shift, but when I sat down in the rental car today and discovered that when the agent at the office asked if I can drive a shift car, it was because he was going to give me one and not just out of curiosity, I should have remembered my own blog entry this week! I rocked by the way, but NO, it is not like riding a bicycle.

Now skiing is the same, it seems like riding a bicycle, but after my third ego crash I should have been reminded again of my own blog entry. So to make things even worst I took an Ashtanga class with the muy atractivo רודריגו at the very new and beautiful yoga studio in the Tel Aviv port called אל היוגה. The combination is deadly! I can not move! So I won’t. Shabat Shalom.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

shabat shalom beloved.

(and how long are you there for anyway??)