Monday, July 16, 2007

Holding Out for a Hero

I am reposting but this time with this amazing performance of Ms. Tandi Iman Dupree, courtesy of Pop Muse.

This is a good practice of practical Karma. When someone does something to you that you dislike (like taking your Hummus) your initial reaction might be, “that hummus hog! I am going to steal his hummus AND pita!” or just steal someone else’s Hummus if he is too big to steal from (which might be the case if he eats a lot of Hummus)
When someone does something pleasant to you, like “back נעימי/Naimi,” which is a combination of scratching and petting your back, you might think to yourself: “MORE! MORE! MORE!”
Now practical karma practice would suggest this; if someone does something you dislike, A. don’t do it to someone else, B. do something quite the opposite to your friend.
And if someone does something nice to you, do the same to someone else, now that you know how nice it feels.
Every time I listen to this SO GAY song by Bonnie Tyler (it’s on my GYM playlist) I imagine myself at a club (I have the club mix version) having a crappy night, and just waiting for that hero to change it all! And then I think that if I am holding out for an hero, there is probably someone out there that is holding out for me, so instead of holding out for an hero, I try and be someone else’s hero. And no, just buying someone a drink does not count! So be a hero, tonight!


Anonymous said...

First off, when did you start blogging?

Secondly, You pet my dog and then told a debbie downer story about she will eventually lose one of her buldging eyes and I am still not on your blog roll??

Oh it's on!

Asaf said...

It took me some time to add your blog; honestly I was shocked that the self proclaimed “mean girl” blogger was so handsome, nice and HAS A DOG!
Your dog is very cute, I think you misunderstood me, maybe a language barrier, but in the company we were in, being a debbie downer comes as second nature…

Anonymous said...

LOL I was only kidding with you. I wish you two would have taken the ride home with us! We got to see the fire works right from the tunnel cause they stopped traffic!

Hopefully See you again soon!